Head of the Private Law Department
Prof. Dr. İrfan AKIN
Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law
Assoc. Prof. Esra YİĞİT (Head of Department)
Res. Asst. Şeyma ZEHİROĞLU
Res. Asst. Deniz Bade AKKOYUN
Department of Civil Law
Prof. Dr. Mesut Serdar ÇEKİN (Head of Department)
Dr. Karen KLEIN
Assoc. Prof. Murat SARIKAYA
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Tolga ÖZER
Lecturer Cihat BÖRKLÜCE
Res. Asst. Burak ÇELİK
Res. Asst. Gokcen DOĞAN BANDIR
Res. Asst. Mehmet Hamza ARSLAN
Res. Asst. Muhammed Ali ÇOBAN
Res. Asst. Samet ŞAHİN
Res. Asst. Yusuf GENÇ
Department of Civil Procedure, Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
Prof. Dr. Hamide Özden ÖZKAYA-FERENDECİ (Head of Department)
Assoc. Prof. Efe DIRENİSA
Assoc. Prof. Anıl KÖRÖĞLU
Res. Asst. Dr. Mikail Bora KAPLAN
Res. Asst. Makbule Serra KORKUT
Res. Asst. Merve GÜNEY
Res. Asst. Umay Ece TECİMEL
Res. Asst. Buse Naz SAÇKESEN
Department of International Private Law
Assist. Prof. Işıl EGEMEN DEMİR (Head of Department)
Res. Asst. Dr. Baver Mazlum MERT
Res. Asst. Hatice Kübra KILIÇ
Department of Business Law
Prof. Dr. Vural SEVEN (Head of Department)
Prof. Dr. İrfan AKIN
Prof. Dr. Koray DEMİR
Assist. Prof. Ahmet Batuhan OYAL
Res. Asst. Dr. Hilal Tuğba AL FAYYAD
Res. Asst. Zehra Büşra KAYAÖZÜ
Res. Asst. Gülnihal DÜNDAR
Res. Asst. Elif Naz SARI ÖZSOY